A bedroom is a special place in our house. It is here that we rest after a hard day at work and gain strength for the upcoming challenges of everyday life. So let’s make it cozy and comfortable. If we have trouble sleeping, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a sign of health problems. Maybe a mattress change will do. How to choose the right one?
The market currently offers many solutions. We can choose latex, spring, hard, soft, with or without frame. What is the healthiest, most comfortable, and at the same time will not ruin the budget of our house? I will try to answer this question.
Body weight

Contrary to appearances, this is a very important factor that we must determine before deciding to buy a specific mattress. People whose weight is up to 80 kg should choose a mattress with a degree of hardness marked H2. People who weigh between 80 and 100 kg should choose a mattress with H3 hardness. Above 100 kilograms is the H4 mark. Hardness is usually a subjective feeling. However, it is worth at least approximately sticking to the above brands in order to enjoy the comfort of sleep.
Position during sleep The mattress must be selected according to the size of the bed, our weight, but also the position in which we sleep. If we prefer a lateral position, a mattress that supports our body and spine well while conforming to its natural curvature will work best. In this case, it will be a spring mattress, possibly thicker latex.
If you like to sleep on your back, you have plenty of leeway. You can choose between latex and spring mattresses. If, on the other hand, it is difficult for you to determine your position during sleep, because you simply change it often, choose a highly elastic mattress. It will adapt perfectly to the shape of your body.
Hard zone

There are several hardness zones that make up the most comfortable. From the hard middle zone, three other zones run in both directions. The first – It is located in the central part of the mattress and therefore it is the widest and hardest. Here rests the heaviest part of our body, that is, the iliac-sacral region. The second – Is an intermediate zone, of medium hardness. Third: it is stronger than its predecessor. The shoulder and the shoulder part of our body rest here. Fourth: Also called extreme. This is where the head rests. It has a medium hardness. The zones differ from each other in hardness, in order to give adequate comfort during sleep for each part of our body.
Spring mattress

Bonnel: A little pressure on the mattress causes little resistance. Equally large, it will cause a larger one. The springs are interconnected to form circles. So if we lie on one side of the mattress, this type of pressure is transferred to its larger surface area. Unfortunately, in the long run, it can be distorted.
Latex mattress: It is durable, and resistant to distortion. In addition, it is permeable to air and moisture. It is highly elastic and adapts perfectly to the body in any position. It is especially recommended for children.
Foam mattress

High and thermoelastic – its advantage is primarily a perfect fit to the figure. They increase the comfort of rest and relaxation of the body. They react to body temperature: the higher it is, the greater the distortion. Mattresses can consist of high or thermoelastic foam or contain layers of them. They are lightweight and will surely satisfy the most demanding customer.